Membership Card
There are two interconnected parts:
1) A currency card: An electronic (printable) card showing your current membership status and expiry date, pilot ratings, HAGAR number (if applicable). This card can be printed by the pilot or carried electronically on a smart phone as proof of membership. Whenever a pilot earns a new rating, renews their membership, or earns any endorsements, a new currency card with updated information is automatically generated by the website and e-mailed to the pilot.
My Membership Card (*Pilot must be logged in). The currency card is also accessible on the homepage of this site simply by logging in to the site and clicking on “My Membership Card”.
2) A permanent plastic card: a permanent credit card-sized card showing only your name and membership number, but not any current status. This card is automatically issued by the HPAC Office after a pilot has attained a minimum Novice P2 or Novice H2 rating.
The permanent plastic card comes in a clear plastic sleeve with the currency card, printed off the website, to be slipped in behind the permanent card and should accompany the pilot at all times. Pilots are encouraged to always carry at least their currency card with them (either on paper or electronically), especially when visiting a new site where local pilots may ask for proof of membership status.